CHURCH IN PROPHECYthis course will assist student to unravel the mysteries hidden in the statement ‘’the seed of the woman” theological prophecy that runs from
Genesis through Revelation. It is founded in action in the book of Acts. It theology,
polity, ethics and prophetic hope are unfolded in the epistles and consummation is
described in the book of the Revelation.

This course examines selected themes, we believe that the movement we have chosen to discuss are representatives of those alternatives. This
course is intended to be a general reference work for those who are interested in knowing what various groups believe and why those believes are not compatible with
biblical Christianity.

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: This course will open student up to various branches of theology. The study of how God reveals Himself; Bibliology – the study of bible authority, inspiration and inerrancy. Theology proper; Christology; Pneumatology; Anthropology; Soteriology; Ecclesiology ; Eschatology , Hematology.

MINISTERIAL ETHICS : This course examines what makes the conduct particularly of a minister wrong or right in all areas of his ministry e.g truth –telling , capital
punishment , euthanasia , abortion, marriage , divorce etc.
MAJOR PROPHETS : This is a survey of the history of the pre- writing prophetic figures and the books of the writing prophets of the eighth and early seventh century .BC.
such prophets as Isaiah , Jeremiah , and Ezekiel etc.

ECCLESIOLOGY : This course examines the doctrines of the church with regards to its origin , meaning and hipirtance .

SETERIOLOGY : Introduction and definitions; theories of atonement and the accomplishment of salvation in the advent of Christ; faith ,repentance , regeneration ,reconciliation , justification, adoption and sanctification , restitution.

TYPOLOGY: Students will be expose to the study of types in the old testament. The course also teaches progressive unfolding of God’s plan of salvation in shadow and
their realities.

THEOLOGY OF MISSION: This course exposes students to Biblical basis for world missions. It reviews perspectives in both old and New Testament of the mission of the
people of God in the world.

MINISTRY AND MESSAGE OF SAINT PAUL: This course will expose students to bring out information on the life, work and theology of Paul and is further studies in Epistles.

MINOR – PROPHET: This course is a Minor survey of the books of the writing. Prophets of the seventh century BC. To the prophetic canon. Minor prophets are largely covered in this course.

ESCHATOLOGY: This will open students to the study of the last things, is the completion and climax of the teaching contained in the revelation which God has made to man. Nothing pertaining to the individual Christian character, nor the Christian church as a whole.

CHRISTOLOGY: This course will expose students to the study and fulfillment of the seed of the women, Messianic, Davidic covenant, pre-incarnation and incarnation
state. The works of Christ in history etc.

LIFE AND TEACHING OF CHRIST: An outline study of the birth, life and ministry of Jesus Christ with emphasis : on His doctrines and ethics.

NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY: This course examines modern trends in new testament theology , particularly attention is paid to various new testament themes;
Soteriology , Christology , trinity , Eschatology etc.

HEBREWS: This course will expose students to how to theologically live in the face of severe persecutions and to overcome evil through faith.

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